Winter weather always brings chilly temperatures and snow to Etobicoke. Are you prepared? Toronto averages 133.1 cm of snow every year. The City of Toronto has crews to clear the roads after a heavy snowfall, but they don’t do driveways. We do. At Neighbourhood Landscaping, we take special care of our customers. We’ll help you prepare for the next snow and the freezing temperatures that follow. Our prompt and professional service ranges from weather monitoring to treating sidewalks to handling residential snow removal in Etobicoke.
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Winter Worries
One of the greatest concerns for wintertime is snow accumulation. It can cause hazardous walking and driving conditions. You might have difficulty using your driveway if there is a heavy storm and temperatures below freezing. You and your family members could easily fall and get hurt on untreated walkways and driveways. Clearing snow and ice off your driveway on your own may be an option, but is it a healthy activity? When done on rare occasions, shoveling snow can cause back, arm and shoulder injuries. The professionals at Neighbourhood Landscaping know the proper techniques for fast and safe snow removal in Etobicoke. We’ll do the hard work while you’re safe and warm inside your home.
Etobicoke Precipitation Averages
Winter weather is a fact of life, and it shouldn’t interrupt your daily routine. January is the biggest month of the year for snowfall in Etobicoke and Toronto. We receive an average of 38.2 cm of snow during January every year. December comes in second with an average of 32.2 cm. February yields just 26.6 cm. A dusting of 6 cm per month in March leaves little to worry about with snow accumulation, but freezing temperatures can still cause safety and mobility problems.
Etobicoke Winter Temperatures
Temperatures below freezing in Etobicoke can make your driveway a challenge to pull out of on your way to the office or other routine activities. December is the coldest month of the year. It has a daily average temperature of minus 0.9 degrees C. January offers minus 4.2 degrees, and February averages minus 3.2 degrees. March comes in with a daily average of just 1.3. At Neighbourhood Landscaping, we constantly monitor the winter weather. We provide alerts on our website and on Twitter before every snowfall. We have our staff and equipment on standby to handle your needs.
How to Preserve Ornamental Cement
If you have ornamental cement for your walkway or driveway, you may be concerned about how to clear it without damaging the patterned surface. At Neighbourhood Landscaping, we use snow blowers instead of shovels on ornamental cement to avoid any damage. Our rubber-paddled snow blowers won’t damage the surface. We also use environmentally-friendly ice melt to prevent a slippery surface after the snow has been removed.
Professional Service
There are many advantages to having Neighbourhood Landscaping handle your snow removal. One of the most important is that we provide a professional touch. Our courteous and experienced crew is prompt in clearing and treating your home’s driveway and walkways.