The Basics of Tree Trimming
In the dead of winter, the last thing you want to hear is the crackle, snap and crash of a snow-laden branch smashing into your property. Falling branches cost homeowners thousands every year. Break out the trimmers and brush up your technique. A few hours of work will leave you with safer and more attractive trees.
Why Trim Trees?
Many people think of tree trimming as something you do for show, but there’s much more to it than that. Trimming is an essential part of maintenance for any type of tree.
You can trim trees to:
Improve aesthetics
Remove dead, diseased and damaged wood
Cull weak branches that would break under ice and snow
Promote fruit and flower production
Control plant size
Improve air flow between branches
Ensure light filters to all layers of the tree
The “Musts”
Tree trimming can get tricky, but certain branches should always be removed. Examine trees and remove all dead, diseased or split wood immediately. These branches compromise the health of the tree and are the most likely to break during harsh weather. You should also remove “suckers,” or the shoots that sprout around the base of the tree.
The Technique
Cutting flush to the tree will leave a wound your tree will have trouble healing. Instead, cut away from the more delicate tissue and in a spot where your tree will heal.
1. Look for the collar. There should be a ‘rim’ of thick growth at the base of the branch. You’ll want to cut just outside of it.
2. Identify the branch angle. Your cut should match it.
3. Cut. Angle down and away from the stem, taking care to avoid the branch collar.
For long branches, use a three-cut technique to prevent splitting:
1. Several inches away from the branch collar, make a notch in the bottom of the stem. This makes a “stop” that prevents the branch from splitting beyond that point.
2. Make full cut a few inches outside of your first notch.
3. Make the final cut nearer the branch collar, just like the first method.
If you’re not confident in your technique or your trees are too tall for you, always call in a professional crew. We can trim everything up and clear out the debris in no time.
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